Adam Johnson is a player on Sunderland and was accused of having sex with a 15 year old girl last week. Sunderland immediately suspended him and are currently waiting for the result of the trial before taking any other steps.
Why do you think this situation was handled so much better than all of the incidents that have been taking place in the NFL?
Ray Rice had an incident last season where he was caught on film in a hotel beating his girlfriend. Roger Goodell, the commissioner for the NFL took months before giving him a punishment. For a second people thought he was not going to get in trouble at all. He was on the Ravens and they did not do anything either. In my opinion, I think that the Roger Goodell and the Ravens were hoping that the video footage would never be seen and therefore did not have to do anything. Once it was released Roger Goodell gave Ray Rice a life-long ban, but then Ray Rice overturned the ruling and was out for most of the season.
Why was this incident so difficult to handle and were the Ravens or Roger Goodell at fault?